Our Beliefs & Values

We exist to promote the creation of healthy churches in strategic metropolitan areas.

Our beliefs and values safeguard our mission.

Our Beliefs

Our Core Values

Our values keep us focused on the path to which God has called us. We understand that our values are steps on our journey, and not the destination. Therefore, we commit to the continual improvement of our application of these safeguards.


We commit to personally and publicly worship God in all we do.
Our all-encompassing goal is to exalt God in everything. All of our life is to be spent magnifying the greatness of God. (1 Cor. 10:31, Rom. 11:36, Rom. 12:1-2)


We place the Gospel at the center of the message we live and proclaim. The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ came to earth, died by giving Himself as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and rose again to conquer sin and death.
Because mankind has an endless capacity for idolatry, we embrace the cross work of Jesus. Our only hope is in the gospel of Christ! He frees us from our sins of legalism and license to an abundant life of God-glorifying service. (John 10:10, 1 Cor. 1:30-31, Gal. 6:14, Phil. 2:5-7)


We submit to the controlling influence and power of the Spirit of God through prayer and obedience.
We depend on focused prayer for decision-making, spiritual leadership, communication, and empowerment for service. Our lives will be marked by prayerful dependence and governed by the Fruit of the Spirit. (Rom. 12:12, Phil. 4:6, Acts 1:24, Gal. 5:16-18)


We strive to allow the truth of God’s revealed Word to permeate all of life and ministry.
Because God is and He has spoken, we commit to a constant personal pursuit of His Word so that all of our public preaching, teaching, and counseling is saturated with Scripture. Our God lovingly chose His Word as the source for all that we need in life and godliness. Because it is God’s revelation to us, we communicate the importance of absolute submission to all it teaches. (Col. 3:16, James 1:22, 25, 2 Peter 1:3-4)


We boldly live out Christ’s work in us through consistent proclamation of truth to the saved and the unsaved.
Because of the compelling love of Christ, we are intentional in our evangelism through preaching, witnessing, and redemptive relationships. In cooperation with the Spirit, we lovingly commit ourselves to the spiritual maturity of other believers toward greater Christ-likeness. Through scriptural instruction and life example, we provoke one another to love and good works. (Acts 2:42-47, 2 Cor. 5:14-16, Heb. 10:24, 2 Tim. 2:2).

A Community of Brotherly Love

We embrace life-touching-life relationships
Because we understand our security in God’s love, we are free and responsible to love one another. God’s love overflows into spontaneous and contagious sacrifice and service. We place priority on people over programs. As sinners saved by grace, our understanding of the cross reminds us of our need for genuine community and accountability. With meekness, we speak the truth in love by confronting and accepting confrontation. We function in teams, families and groups. (Matt. 7:12, Gal. 5:13, James 3:13, 1 John 4:18)

Strategic in Multiplication

We structure toward intentional multiplication.
Our desire is to plant church planting churches. We will place local church congregations in strategic communities. We seek out thoughtful connections based on likemindedness of doctrinal beliefs and core values. We commit to mentoring and assessing future church planters through education, counsel, and practice of ministry. (Matt. 16:18, 28:18-20, Acts 13, 2 Tim. 2:2)